Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Obama's in Florida

Okay, first of all, I don't read the news, don't watch the news, and only read political emails when they are about Sarah Palin looking dumb. So I am not prepared to spout off all the great reasons to vote for Obama. All I can say is this: I think he's the real deal. I really do. Anybody who doesn't take campaign contributions from lobbyists in his campaign to become the leader of the known world (insert booming orchestra music) is somebody I feel I can trust.

My dh just told me that Obama is down here because the poll predictions show that it's all down to Florida again. Oh no. Please no. Don't let our state full of bitter old men set in their ways, thinking that being a good Christian means killing Iraqis, stopping gay marriage and holding on as tight as you can to your money so God forbid it doesn't go to any social programs or education or health care be the deciding factor of this election.

I donated $50 to Obama's campaign and I keep getting emails to donate more. His campaign is totally funded by grass-roots efforts and folks like you and me. I wish I could fund the whole thing, but I can't so I really encourage everyone out there to give a little something to the cause. Who knows, your $25 or $40 or $50 might buy us affordable healthcare, freedom from foreign oil, and a cleaner planet. Heck, it might just make the world a better place. I'm actually convinced that it will.

Even the Canadians should give! You have to live with the repercussions of this government, too. If you get in a car accident on the way down to Disney, you don't want to go bankrupt paying the medical bills, do you? If our economy is strong, yours usually follows suit. We need to band together to get this guy in office. A greener America benefits everyone.

When our leader isn't being paid off by big business, the oil companies, and the health insurance moguls, we as Americans actually have a chance of making something positive happen. I'm sure Obama's not perfect, but he's pretty darn good. Not chicken marsala, but a big Stouffers macaroni and cheese. McCain's just a handful of stale crackers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stale crackers, eh? I like that! We are dealing with our own stale crackers here in Canada with another election in a two weeks. Our dilemma is between a socialist bulldog with a moustache, an environmentalist dame without a moustache, a liberal geek with integrity and a Redneck capitalist--oh I forgot the separatist Quebecker. Politics are just so much fun!