Saturday, September 13, 2008

Change Is Good

Well, I'm back in Florida after 6 years in Canada. This time I brought with me a sunburn-prone, but golf-loving husband (how else do you think I got him here?) and two little girls who tan pretty well and don't like snow just as much as I don't.

There are things I miss about Canada, though. We had some great playgroup friends-- real women who weren't fake, even in their flaws. I miss MC and S, and even "Crazy Lou" of the inappropriate comments and lazy eye. She tried real hard to bond with me.

I also miss the Canadian health care system. I had both my babies at home with the midwives and it was great. Didn't pay a dime. Anytime my kids had an ear infection I ran them right to the doctor. No $35 copay. Now I have to admit I'm a little nervous. If something happens to my husband, my kids or me, will we go broke paying deductibles? Will our insurance company try to get out of paying? I saw Michael Moore's Sicko after all. Still, there is hope. I mean, Obama's on the ticket, isn't he?

So is this a little inflammatory for a first post? Probably. But I figure it's best to get the main cards on the table right away, so here goes:
I support Obama
I'm still breastfeeding my 18 month old
I love midwives
I support attachment parenting (even though I don't practice it 100%)
I'm a wanna be crunchy mom
If any of that stuff doesn't turn you on, you might not be the right audience for this blog. Or you can try to give me heck, but I'm not changing my mind on any of that stuff, no matter how nice Sarah Palin is. (my bf's husband calls the Republicans "evil geniuses". I'm beginning to think he's right.)

So here's my first call out. If you've found this blog, post a comment so I know there's an audience. Lots of good stuff coming, including how to stick it to Dr. Phil (I know, I used to love him, too, but lately...)

Oops! Gotta go-- Diego's over.

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