Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm So Ashamed

So at church yesterday, I'm nursing in the mother's room and I see another mom changing her son's diaper-- and it's cloth! I was so impressed I had to say something, but my own shame came back to haunt me. I am a HUGE believer in cloth diapers. In fact, I used them religiously with my first (except disposables at night and on vacations) all the way until she potty-trained at 2.5 years old. (She still wears a Pull-up at night, but that's another story and about to come to an abrupt end if I can handle the repercussions)

Anyway... I had some prefolds that I borrowed from a friend, and they were thin, but too thick to double up all the time, and my second daughter just seemed to pee so much more! She was wetting through 5 times a day and I finally got fed up and just quit. She's been in disposables ever since and I sold the diapers before our move.

I'm determined that if we ever have another baby in our home, I will go buy the holy sh*ttest cloth diapers I can find-- maybe ones with a force field around the baby that does not allow leaks. I will shell out whatever dollars it takes and I will be a cloth-diapering mommy again.

But for now, would somebody please guilt me into switching back to cloth for my toddler? She's 19 months old. If I don't get some help (and a cost-effective solution with a high probability of success) I will continue to beat myself up over my decision to drop cloth.

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