Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No More Plastic Bags!

So we all know that plastic bags are wasteful and extremely Earth-unfriendly. That's why all of our supermarkets are now selling $.99 cloth shopping bags for us to use and re-use. We have about 10 or so of them-- totally worth every penny!

I have even gotten into the habit of putting them in the car each time I go grocery shopping. Right along with each child going into the carseat, my cloth shopping bags go into my car. I mean, I made the effort to buy them. I got myself into the habit of bringing them with me. They are the first thing out of my cart at the register, flung way in front of the food so as not to be missed or forgotten. So can someone please tell me why I still come home with plastic shopping bags?

It's those damn cashiers and baggers. I don't know if my cloth bags have "I wish I had a plastic friend" written on them somewhere or what, but unless I am vigilant, the baggers manage to shove at least 3 evil plastic bags into my cloth ones. Oh, they have their excuses. Like my eggs or my meat needs to be in a plastic bag inside my cloth bag. Or they can't fit everything in them. That's bull.

The day before yesterday I went grocery shopping, and I was itching for a fight. I watched that bagger like a proverbial hawk, and, sure enough, she handed me a half-filled cloth bag to put in my cart. I accepted it graciously, then shoved three more things in it to make my point.

But that wasn't hint enough. She "filled" my five cloth bags and then, with obvious glee, swept open a plastic one on her little carousel, ready to fill it with what was left of my groceries. I was fuming. I said to her rather curtly, "I don't want ANY plastic bags." The couple behind me exchanged glances.

Well, come on, people. How many brain cells does it take to form the conclusion that a person bringing her own bags to the grocery store does not want more plastic???

Anyone else have this problem, or is it just me?